New vegas dlc weapons
New vegas dlc weapons

new vegas dlc weapons

0 means the weapon can potentially fire perfectly straight, if stance, weapon skill, and weapon condition are optimal. It refers to the accuracy of a ranged weapon.

  • SPRD: This is the Min Spread stat from the G.E.C.K.
  • ROF: This stands for rate of fire in shots per second.
  • attack, a Luck of 5, no perks ( Finesse, Survival Expert, etc.), 100 skill and 100 weapon condition.
  • MDPS: This is the modified damage per second number that takes critical hits into account.
  • new vegas dlc weapons

  • DPS: This stands for damage per second.
  • This stat is most useful for comparing semi-automatic weapons like rifles, where you can see the full damage caused by a single shot, regardless of how long it takes to load and fire the next one. For most small guns, that's a single bullet, but for shotguns it's a single shell (containing several small pellets), and for the Gatling laser it's a single beam. and shows the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger.
  • DMG / HIT or SHOT: This information comes straight from the G.E.C.K.

  • New vegas dlc weapons