Mount and Blade Bannerlord / TaleWorlds Entertainment.
Even players who are veterans of Mount and Blade: Warband may find themselves in the deep end, so we’ve decided to put together a couple of guides, showing you a few things that might just make getting started, that bit easier for you. Take advantage of all the carry capacity you have from so many mules, to buy any cheap goods you find, and then sell them to whoever's willing to buy them.
One horse merchant may have a pack horse for sale for 106 denars, another could offer one for 113 denars, and yet another who perhaps needs cash urgently will let you buy his pack horse for a mere 100. Camel riders will have a height advantage over horse cavalry, but this comes at the cost of making themselves more exposed to missile fire. Mounts is a combat mechanic and equipment category for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. There is no “best” faction for every person, and most of it will come down to how you like to play the game. Also, riding a horse increases your speed in the campaign map. Enjoy horse riding in Calradia! Especially the looters. Honestly vanilla Bannerlord is way more likely to randomly break than even the most haphazardly put together Warband mods. But in the beginning of the game, you shouldn't be able to afford a horse, you should have to be able to fight on foot by necessity.Bannerlord cheapest horses Crafting The Trade perk tree is perhaps one of the easiest to level. I always end up using a horse in battle, because it really makes the game a lot harder when you are on foot. The upkeep for high tier cavalry in your armies is significantly higher than that of infantry or archers, making an unstoppable all-cavalry army unsupportable financially until very late in the game. The base level of horses should be a lot more expensive. As far as I know, they do not dramatically increase food consumption like they would in real life either. Even these cheap saddle horses can give a huge advantage in battle. In Vanilla, and in many mods of the game, you start off with a horse or you can buy a horse for <300 denars. Horses shouldn't be nerfed any further in battle, but they do need to be nerfed on the campaign map. They are still overpowered to some extent, but they should be, because they really really were in real life. Pikes and Spears have extra bonus damage vs mounted units, creating a sort of rock paper scissors dynamic between melee units (Cavalry, Spear infantry, Sword/axe infantry). In my opinion, Floris does a fairly good job of this. Mods go some way to nerf their abilities.